A Charitable Fund Benefiting Local Bay Area Organizations
More Than $3.4 Million Raised Over 20 Years
The Town Crier Holiday Fund was launched in 2000 to raise funds for small hands-on non-profits in Silicon Valley, particularly those serving families and children. Most of the organizations selected use many volunteers, and maintain a high level of efficiency in percentage of funds which actually touch the lives of the needy. The Holiday Fund raised about $50,000 in its first year and nine organizations were the first beneficiaries. Year by year new groups were selected to share in the funds. All contributions to the Holiday Fund are 100% tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Los Altos Community Foundation (LACF), based in Los Altos, is our fiscal partner and provides tax receipts to donors who contribute to the fund. The Los Altos Town Crier, and LACF as their contribution to this annual effort, pay all promotional, advertising, administrative fees and on-line credit card transactions for the Town Crier Holiday Fund. The Town Crier Holiday Fund uses the model followed by many fundraising efforts. Each year the campaign is launched with significant up-front matching grants from foundations and individuals which in turn has usually been more than matched each year by community donors.
There are currently 16 locally-based groups supported by the Holiday Fund. The funds have been carefully invested supporting specific activities with measurable results in these groups.
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